Thursday, September 2, 2010

Orcas Remembrance

Amidst lavender and foxglove, madrona and tall, stately pine,
seven cousins share their roots: the O'Neill Royal Family line.
Though lives have taken different paths with years and miles apart,
their heritage and family ties still bind them heart to heart.

Lovely scenes of isles and sky, the scent of salt in sea breeze air.
Stunning table settings, a menu planned with thought and care.
Delicious cheese, delightful wine, salmon, pasta, lemon zest.
Seasoned with one thoughtful man, seven women... richly blessed.

Faded family photographs, old, yet often new.
Stories told of long ago, awakening the memory, refining what is true.
The bond among them strengthened, new memories to hide away.
Remembrances to treasure, to share again another day...

c 2010 B Philp

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