Wednesday, September 1, 2010

I'm Meghan...

I'm Meghan, and I'm not a boy.
I like to dance and sing.
I wear my leotard to bed.
I like that sort of thing.

I have two big boy brothers.
One is Ryan, and the other's Matt.
They never wear a leotard.
(How silly just to think of that!)

My hair is long, like Barbie's.
Matt and Ryan have short hair.
I love my cuddly baby doll.
You'll never see the boys with dolls.
Not them! Not anywhere!

While I enjoy a frilly dress,
the boys are stuck with pants.
(They do soccer and karate,
but they never, ever dance!)

I'm Meghan. I'm this many now,
but soon I will be four.
I'll be big then like my brothers.
I won't be little any more.

I can be strong-willed and stomp my feet,
or very sweet and sometimes coy.
I'm truly my own person.
I'm Meghan, and I'm not a boy...

c 1999 B Philp

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