Saturday, April 24, 2010

The Words of Her Own Heart (lyrics)

She was seventeen. She was restless. She left home to find a life.
She'd had enough of small towns. She'd had enough of family strife.
She'd seen the big world on the big screen and dreamed of better times.
She never gave a second thought to the love she left behind.

She ended up in downtown, Big City, USA.
She liked the taste of freedom, of having her own way.
But daylight turned to night there, and her world turned up-side-down,
where faded jeans and shattered dreams was the only life she found.

She was on her own. Destination: Somewhere.
She was now full grown. At least, that's what she thought.
She faced life all alone just to prove she needed no one.
She wouldn't even listen to the words of her own heart.

She finally felt the love that had been with her all along.
It wasn't so important now who was right or who was wrong.
She finally realized she was too young to be alone.
She wasn't angry anymore. She just wanted to go home.

She was on her own. Destination: Somewhere.
She was now full grown. At least, that's what she thought.
She faced life all alone just to prove she needed no one.
Thank God, she finally listened to the words of her own heart.
Thank God, she finally listened to the words of her own heart...

c 2001 B Philp

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