Sunday, April 18, 2010

One Hundred Years

It was 1909 in the spring of the year when
Charles Thomas Philp homesteaded here.
From Denver society's high culture days
to the windswept prairie's primitive ways.

One wonders if Charles ever looked far ahead...
What would the next one hundred years bring?
Hail storms and hardship, great, great grandchildren,
bunnies that hop and birdies that sing.

Fast forward those one hundred years...
Enter Oliver William Jones,
double great grandson of Charles Thomas Philp,
a young boy with spirit and spunk of his own.

As for now he knows nothing of Charles Thomas Philp,
of homesteading or of a pioneer's plight,
but Oliver William, at nineteen months,
sees the birds and the bunnies and squeals with delight!

c 2009 B Philp

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