Friday, April 16, 2010

On Turning 40

Some think that turning forty means life's over,
you're as good as dead,
while others see the years they've lived as merely
preparation for the challenges that lie ahead.

Some see a rusted gateway to a fateful downhill slide,
while others see an open door... no opportunity denied!
It saddens some to think that they're no longer young or not as strong,
while others are just thankful they've been blessed with health and
lived this long.

The difference is perspective and life choices that they make,
the priorities they set, the attitudes they take.

The second half of life is not for dying but for living,
for finding strength through weakness, for loving and forgiving.
For chasing those ambitions, and fulfilling all your dreams,
for doing what you really love, for realizing lifelong schemes.
For learning life's true purpose, and the satisfaction that can bring,
for learning of your heart's song, then listening to your spirit sing...

There's really so much more to life than youth and strength and winning.
So congrats on turning forty! Your life is just beginning...

c 1999 B Philp

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