Monday, March 22, 2010


changing times
getting a raw deal
losing its appeal
old fashioned
judged by many just not cool
a lifetime with one mate?
you've got to be a fool
an honest look around
age of marriage past?
commitment disappearing
precious few will last
marriage - the bad guy?
constant through the years
something more at work here
causing hurt and tears
forces all around us
enough to fill a book
identify and study them
we said, an honest look
no more marriage?
so what happens?
society goes down
end of so-called family life
go ahead then
sleep around
who's your father?
I don't know
just some guy my mother knew
she said once he was kinda tall
his eyes were kinda blue
that's all you know about him?
yeah, but I don't really care
I don't need a father
pass me that rifle over there...

c 1999 B Philp

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