Monday, March 22, 2010

Stitches in My Chin

No, these are not whiskers that you see on my chin.
Actually they're stitches that the doctor has sewn in.
No, it's not the first time. I've had stitches in my chin before.
That time I had on flippery socks. Before I knew what happened,
I'd flipped and my chin hit the floor.

This time it was toys, not socks, that made me trip the other day.
(Now I know why Mommy says to always put my toys away.)
I hope this is the last time that I slip and hit and split my skin.
I hope this is the last time that I'll need a stitch or two or three
or four or five put in my chin.

Though I really do like doctors and appreciate the things they do,
I think I'd rather spend my time visiting the animals and feeding
fishies at the zoo...

c 2002 B Philp

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