Wednesday, March 24, 2010


What's a mother supposed to do
when her child turns twenty-two?
She's got to get it through her head
those simpler days are over,
of algebra and ballet and reminding
her to make her bed.

But even though she's twenty-two
there's so much more a mom can teach.
At twenty-two and on her own
she does not want to hear mom preach.

So what is a mother supposed to do
when her child turns twenty-two?

A mother still does all she can
to let her know that she's concerned,
to influence her not to stray
but stay upon the path she's learned.

I guess as long as I have life,
yes, even though she's twenty-two,
I'll share my deep concern and care.
That's what a mother's supposed to do...

c 2000 B Philp

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